Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27th
Time is flying by…..Yikes! The children have been busy learning so much math…and they are stretching their brains.  Our reading unit "A Long Journey to Freedom" made us aware of Ruby
Bridges and the sadness of segregation.  We finished Charlotte's Web.  And we learned that size does not matter.  When we apply ourselves we can achieve anything.  In Religion we have opened our hearts to forgiveness.  Even though we hit a few bumps in the road, the children and I discussed the importance of being kind and understanding to each other.  We are looking forward to celebrating Annabelle's birthday - Sunday, March 1st.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 17th

Hope everyone is safe and sound with this winter weather.
I am looking forward to returning to school tomorrow.  We will return on Ash Wednesday, and we will attend mass.  All the students will be in their winter uniforms for the mass.  Our class does not have gym tomorrow so we will be good to go.
Be safe driving!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

 February 10th

With Valentine Day quickly approaching the children would like to share cards with their classmates. Please do not run out to purchase these as my angels can create them.  They will be creating a valentine bag to hold all of the cards.  We will be giving the cards out on Friday, Feb. 13th.  Sorry for the short notice!

All the children arrived safe and sound to school!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9th

Thank you all for the kind and comforting words.  Your thoughts mean a lot to me.
I was so happy to be back with my angels.

We will be working on a coin project at home.  In the past it has been so much fun making and sharing the final product.  This is the letter you will be receiving today to explain:

Coin Project

Design your own coin!  You can be as creative as you would like.  You may use any kind of materials such as construction paper, clay, glitter, yarn, buttons, etc.

Please bring your coin in a zip lock bag and attached worksheet on
Tuesday, March 10th.  Please also return this paper with the rubric on the same day with the coin. 

Be prepared to share your creation with the class! Have fun!!

Scoring Rubric
Return with the coin project

Project turned in on time (coin, worksheet, and rubric)   10 Points

Directions followed                                                                          10 Points

Coin is original and is a new type of coin                                 20 Points

Answers on worksheet are written in complete
Sentences!                                                                                           50 Points

Worksheet is written neatly                                                         10 Points

Total Points ____________/100 points       Grade _____________