Thursday, September 22, 2016

I am sure we are all looking forward to the arrival of Fall.  The children have shared their delights that they experience with Fall.  Some expressed how fall is their mom's or dad's favorite.  Also you may have some ambitious leaf rakers because they love jumping in the pile.  We have been working to be successful in the classroom.  We have been completing the homework in school to alleviate the sorrow of not enjoying the last of outdoor play.   The Trinity has been the topic in Religion class and they seem to recognize it as a mystery of our faith.  Their discussions are very pure and innocent.  The strong faith attitude is a tribute to you as a family.  Math is moving forward with naming numbers in varied ways.  They also love the Math games that they have participated in with partners.  Reading My Family has generated many positive events that occur in your homes - you should be proud.  
The class is working on the chatty atmosphere.  They are looking forward to earning stickers to be redeemed for a reward - maybe a show and tell, or bringing in a small stuffed animal, etc.  Thank you for your support in advance.  
Thank you all for the support and help that you are always ready to share.